Education major 悉尼弗兰克’s biggest inspiration comes from her best friend, 谁碰巧是她的弟弟.
悉尼弗兰克 is one of the most enthusiastic people you could ever meet. 这种热情延伸到她生活中的方方面面, 从大学到课堂, 去做志愿者, 她的兼职工作, 还有她的家人. It is something that’s served her well as she works to achieve her career goals.
弗兰克在十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校学习,这是她的最后一个学期 小学和早期教育 辅修特殊教育. 她说她一直都知道自己想成为一名教师, but her passion for working with children with disabilities is thanks to her younger brother, 卡森.
“从他出生的那天起, 我们立刻产生了一种特殊的联系, 我们总是一起做任何事.”
在蹒跚学步的时候,卡森被诊断出患有自闭症. It was something that perhaps made the sibling relationship even stronger. 他父母让他做的每一件事, 他的姐姐就在他身边, 参与或鼓励他的.
在过去的18年里, Sydney has read books to some of 卡森’s elementary school classes and watched him take part in the Special Olympics. She came with him to many of 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校’s Sense-ational Endeavors Kids’ College camps, a special summer program for kids with autism spectrum disorders. She’s watched him thrive with therapeutic horseback riding through the Dreams Go On organization and be part of a team through the Happy Valley Beavers, a hockey team for individuals with cognitive or developmental disabilities. 在一起, they take part in recreation activities with Arc of Blair County, an organization that serves all individuals with any form of delay in development. Most recently, brother and sister are participating in 阿尔图纳 Community Theatre’s production of 小安妮., a project which pairs kids with disabilities with mentors to perform an adaptation of a musical.
“One reason I like to do things with 卡森 is because I love seeing the joy on his face when he does something he likes. 看到他笑着玩得开心,我真的很感动. These have all been great opportunities for me to see things through his eyes.”
Sydney has also watched 卡森 progress through his schooling in mainstream, 特殊教育, 生活技能课程, 激发了她对这个职业的热情.
“与残疾儿童一起工作一直是我的梦想, but it’s been really eye-opening to see the different aspects of the career—it’s not just a general thing. 他所有的老师对他都很好, and one of my main aspirations is to be like those who helped 卡森 throughout his education.”
Sydney goes on to say she has loved seeing the growth in her brother over the years from school to life skills to extra curriculars. She wants to see that growth in her future students as well as feel the pride and joy of watching them succeed.
As she gets closer to graduating, it’s easy to reflect on all that 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 has given her. Sydney says she has always felt fully supported by her professors at 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 and is grateful for the experiences she’s had at the college.
One perfect opportunity that came her way is the We Are…Friends student organization. Members have the chance to develop friendships with individuals 18 and older receiving services provided by the Arc of Blair County. Sydney joined the club and served as president for a year but enjoyed it even more once 卡森 turned 18 and was able to get involved.
卡森 and Sydney at a sidewalk chalk event through 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校’s student organization We Are Friends.
Field experiences through her major allowed Sydney to observe some 特殊教育 classrooms and spend time with a life-support teacher in the 阿尔图纳 school district. She completed her pre-student teaching in a second-grade classroom in the Bellwood-Antis school district and is now doing her full-time student teaching at Spring Cove Elementary School in Blair County.
“With student teaching, you are really encouraged to get out of your comfort zone. 那是你成长并找到自己声音的时候. 我只是爱上了孩子们, and that makes the last four years and everything leading up to this worth it.”
悉尼计划攻读特殊教育硕士学位, 可能是在线教学.
Oh, and one other reason she has to be enthusiastic about her 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 journey? It brought her to her fiancé, Matt, whom she met at an orientation event during Welcome Weekend. 这对夫妇计划在2025年举行婚礼.
卡森 and Sydney with their parents and Sydney’s fiancé, Matt, whom she met at 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校. 这群人正在参加马术治疗活动.
But really, it all comes back to her little brother who is her rock and her inspiration always.
“I honestly have no idea where I'd be today if it weren't for 卡森 and who he is. I know there's going to be frustrating days where I'll question why am I here, why am I doing this? 这都是因为卡森.”